i’ve moved

August 25, 2010


Freedom of creativity needed.

i made a hat

August 16, 2010

Adapting the Regular Guy Beanie knit pattern by Chuck Wright and this Fair Isle pattern by Marnie MacLean.


Blog’s going down the pan by the way. Kinda on purpose. X


August 9, 2010

Off to Liverpool.

(via Yimmy's Yayo)



August 7, 2010

Oh hey you guyss, back from my adventure to der Nederlanden. Above indicates a typical outfit for the whole holiday, albeit with a hoodie and umbrella instead of the shirt, as it rained a ridiculous amount. New bootsss, from Magic Theatre Vintage, also got a lovely maxi dress which will no doubt be showcased on some hopefully soon night out. Also, shirt isn’t actually mine, it’s Howski’s. Or should I say his dad’s. Thanks Mr. Melnyczuk. I’m only borrowing it though.

Yeah so, here’s a few shnapps off the trip..

Cya North Shields.

Me with Sasha Fierce.

A discreet photo of the red light district. I thought it was pretty cool actually, and it didn’t seem as sleaze as I imagined somehow. Maybe its cause I only spied about 2 people sneaking through the doors not loads. Wish you could look without feeling like a perv, I was told some of the girls were “amaaaazing”. I mean, they weren’t dogs but also not supermodel-pretty as I had been lead to believe. Maybe I just have high expectations of prostitutes.

Yeah so, all in all an amazing trip. The ferry was a bit of a ‘mare though, kept getting slightly seasick, and the breakfast was the opposite of to die for. Think if I go again I’ll just get a plane and stay in a scratty hostel. Which I definitely will.


August 7, 2010

(via Yimmy’s Yayo)

I’m back.


July 31, 2010

There’s not much to say, sorry. All I seem to be doing is working right now. And getting annoyed at buyers on ebay/the post office/tesco workers respectively. You know when you get that feeling that everyone’s out to get you? Haha. Going to Amsterdam soon though, hopefully that will bring some interesting posts.

Wish I was there.

(via http://blog.yimmyayo.com/)

get wiggy with it

July 29, 2010

Lottie had a wig dinner last night. It was awesome.

Made me crave long hair even more, and even consider going darker when I tried on the brown bob and it didn’t look horrific. I dunno, maybe in winter. Wasting my last free (as in not working) day up until I go away grazing, watching Gilmore Girls and knitting. Such a slob.

(photos by Alex Gillham)

it’s been a while

July 29, 2010

Mia, Mike and Howard came to visit the other day. We went to the beach.

Also, as you can see, tried out the old centre parting. My fringe is getting annoying. Not sure how I feel about it though.

On the other hand, I love when people come visit, and when they love where they visit (who knew Durham was so desirable?), so all’s well.


July 23, 2010

Outfit the result of a night out in Durham last night. What started off as a massive night out to Newcastle ended up being drinks in Head of Steam and Fabios, hahaa.

I’m sorry all I wear is this shirt atm. With new ankle grazers and wedges from Urban Outfitters.

Had a massively lazy day today, me and Dom made a lasagna. FROM SCRATCH. It was awesome.

Currently chilling watching Valley Girl on “Viva” haha. IT’S SO WEIRD. I love the style and music and phrases and everything, but all like, the mothers look younger than their daughters, what the hell. And everyone seems a massive shlaaag. HAHAHA.

Wish I lived in the Valley, I’m sure. X

vogue deutsch

July 22, 2010

I don’t understand how a real person looks like her.

Need hair to grow like this. Oh, and while I’m wishing… I just love everything about her to be honest.

Photos via Noir Façade.